RVCR Wind Motor Innovation
– Tech Development
The Principal
RVCR wind Motor configuration converts higher wind velocities at elevated levels into low pressure communicated through a wind stack to higher air pressure at ground level (‘near zero air velocities) and utilizes RVCR wind motor (Prime Mover) at lower end of the stack to tap into the flow in the rising column of air for power generation. This is made possible due to key attributes of RVCR methodology in simplifying the means to achieve a ‘Rotary Positive Displacement Mechanism’.

RVCR Viability
RVCR enables Wind Power driven Prime-Movers Systems embedded into modern high-rise city structures to overcome constraints of large wind turbine based Renewable Power installations to out-door locations.
‘Pressure differential’ is a scalar quantity independent of fluid flow direction which eliminates the yawing, furling and stalling related accessories, thence drastically reducing complex structural requirements necessary for conventional turbines. RVCR reduces remote locale related costs (transportation, installation, distant power transmission infrastructure) coupled with enhanced efficiency of energy conversion making it a cost effective, pragmatic, high efficiency, green captive power unit.
The simplicity and ease of installation at point of power demand and consumption of RVCR Wind motor power generator units, empowers rural populace with energy self-sufficiency at minimal cost of erection and maintenance hence improving the local economy into self-sufficient independent rural communities.

The technical description
These conventional wind turbines are driven by lift, achieved by aerofoiled profile of turbine blades. But, theoretically maximum of only 59% of the kinetic energy of the wind can be captured. At higher altitudes, pressure is lower due to the wind flow. This wind flow is usually considered as laminar flow. At near earth surface, wind speed is lower because of the occurrence of no-slip condition and disturbances like buildings, trees etc. As the distance from earth surface increases in the upward direction, resistance to air flow decreases and it results in higher wind speeds. The ground creates friction and turbulence which gradually tapers off at greater heights.
Conventional wind turbines are usually located at places; far away from city, where there is enough room to install them and no danger to populace. Preferred locations are sufficiently windy and have largely constant winds like exposed high areas, like hills or small mountains or coastal areas. Main drawback of these conventional wind turbines is the location constraint, as these systems should be installed away from the city or areas of electric power demand. The structure of these wind turbines is quite bulky. It is always difficult to transport components (like blades) of these wind turbines to the specified wind sites, special roads have to be constructed. During the operation, turbine should orient itself against the direction of wind flow. Initial cost of these turbines is quite high, consequently increasing the overall cost of the wind energy. Yawing, furling and stalling demands special drives, this results in complicated structure. Wind turbines are not positive displacement machines, so the flow efficiency is lower.
Proto - RVCR - WInd Motor Design & Development
We live in an era where almost anything can be modeled on a computer, even a virtual human partner. We know of virtual reality like the one in the movie ‘The Matrix’, or ‘Virtuosity’. Programmers can model interactive games showing entire cities and courses for bike and car races. So, we can model a machine on a computer based on logical mathematical construction of a new concept.
To model a machine, one needs to 1st know the geometry (the form, shape, size, and dimensions). The RVCR Concept was not an abstract idea, rather it used newer means to achieve known thermodynamic gas processes. The concept though conceived and illustrated using basic geometric shapes, it had to be shaped into feasible geometry. Like rectangular flat surfaces of a flap, in the concept drawings are given rounded features and circular cylindrical shapes. These shapes are further accessed for feasibility of fitting together in an assembly. The assembling process too needs to be feasible. This is followed by a feasibility check for manufacture. The comes in the integrity to perform the intended function. This whole process involves thought experimentation with engineering principles.
Once done the 1st ever RVCR core assembly emerges. The assembly is then put through successive failure mode analysis and if any feasibility issues exist, the entire assembly is reworked. Finally after a number of corrective iterations the 1st virtual assembly or the CAD model is arrived at.
Manufacturing is one of the 3 pillars of mechanical engineering along with ‘Machine Design’ and ‘Thermodynamics’.
Having the 1st Computer Aided Design (CAD) model is the 1st step. It makes it easy to explore manufacturing feasibility. The CAD software is then used to output the manufacturing drawings (Drafting). The manufacturing process is deliberated, and corrections made to the model for any issues. The manufacturing plan is then formalized (like say should it begin with mold making for casting and its treatment before machining, followed by machining (Rough and final) till each component is finally made). Each component poses its own challenges in terms of quality and correctness. This shapes up the inspection plan. The tagging and handling of each component with its specific details follows. Though the manufacturing is covered in a few lines here, it is highly time and cost intensive and extends into months. It involves numerous key engineering branches of high specialization. This lays the foundations for formulating the pilot and actual product.
Each of our RVCR manufactured components has gone through numerous iterations and has been assessed for viability (mass manufacturability). Owing to the simpler manufacturing the capex cost of RVCR is evaluated to be lower than its equivalent conventional products.
The precursor to a product is a pilot product assembly. The assembly comprises sub-assemblies, and these subassemblies are further assemblage its own ‘sub-assemblies’. It is a pyramid of layers of subassemblies built over the base layer comprised of individual components. The putting together of individual components at time face hinderances while assembling and require ‘mating’ process. Once mated the components are held into a number of smaller subassemblies. These are then mated into higher subassemblies till we reach the final assembly. The sub-assemblies at each stage undergo testing for correctness. The RVCR prototype assembly is successfully tested for its kinematic integrity.
VC-Roto Engine assembly was put to various tests for the functionality, durability, and verification of its design intent. The inconsistencies with the intended performance are analyzed and root causes are determined. Hereafter the assessment of the results is carried out for verification for accuracies of the results with those results generated from computer based virtual simulation of the tests. The discrepancies are then processed in design correction cycle and iterated till desired results are achieved. Having achieved satisfactory results, the RVCR assembly was put to the next set of activities of the proto development process.
The integration is about the compatibility of systems into a desired configuration. Say getting the right kind of turbocharger for the engine. Having the correct fuel delivery system. The integrated assembly is put to testing of its functioning and some performances. RVCR proto development process is then pushed into further downstream stages (Trials, compliance to Suiting into other systems, Desing standardization, mass manufacturability, homologation, approvals, and certification etc.) On completion of these processes the project is now ready for Pilot product development for commercialization.
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+91 74030 08844
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GYATK RVCR Apparatus Pvt Ltd, India,
KGYAT Wind Power Ltd, United Kingdom